Flat Json
Current version v0.0.3
Last updated
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Current version v0.0.3
Last updated
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This action converts a nested JSON into a new, flattened JSON field with only one layer of key/value pairs.
In order to configure this action, you must first link it to a Listener. Go to Building a Pipeline to learn how to link.
These are the input and output ports of this Action:
Find Flat JSON in the Actions tab (under the Transformation group) and drag it onto the canvas.
To open the configuration, click the Action in the canvas and select Configuration.
Enter the required parameters:
Field containing the JSON*
Select the field from the incoming Listener or Action that contains the JSON.
Flattened JSON field*
Give a name to the field containing the flattened JSON.
Flatten level
Set the number of levels to flatten to.
Choose to separate with - or . (_ by default).
Click Save to complete the process.
You wish to flatten a JSON to level 3 hierarchy.
You have a Listener containing the raw JSON
You can add a Parser and paste this data as raw data to generate the event)