Azure Event Hubs
Most recent version: v0.0.1
Last updated
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Most recent version: v0.0.1
Last updated
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See the changelog of this Listener type .
This is a Pull Listener and therefore should not be used in environments with more than one cluster.
The Azure Event Hubs Listener lets you receive messages from an Azure Event Hub for real-time data streaming, providing support for message batching, retries, and secure connection options.
Select Azure Event Hubs from the list of Listener types and click Configuration to start.
Now you need to specify how and where to collect the data, and how to establish a connection with Microsoft Azure Event Hubs.
Enter the basic information for the new Listener.
Enter a name for the new Listener.
Optionally, enter a description for the Listener.
Add tags to easily identify your Listener. Hit the Enter
key after you define each tag.
Now add the configuration to establish the connection.
Connection params*
The URL for your Event Hub. To get it:
Click your Event Hubs namespace to view the Hubs it contains.
Scroll down to the bottom and click the specific event hub to connect to.
In the left menu, go to Shared Access Policies.
If there is no policy created for an event hub, create one with Manage, Send, or Listen access.
Select the policy from the list.
Select the copy button next to the Connection string-primary key field.
It is possible that the name of this field may not correspond, so look for the example string format:
Endpoint=sb://; SharedAccessKeyName=RootManageSharedAccessKey; SharedAccessKey=
Click Create labels to move on to the next step and define the required Labels if needed.